On 23 November 2023, Anna Cord from TUD has presented the EarhtBridge project within the ESS Initiative. The goal of the ESS initiative, which is a joint initiative of ESA and DG RTD, is to advance the understanding of the Earth System processes and the dynamic interplay between its elements by harnessing space-based observation infrastructures.
The workshop objectives were to:
- Review the latest advances in Earth Observations and Earth System Science across domains (including biodiversity).
- Showcase the results of the latest ESA and EC funded projects and activities.
- Explore opportunities to align scientific activities, fostering collaborative research across teams and projects in Europe.
- Discuss funding opportunities in ESA and in the EC for collaborative research in EarthSystem Science.
- Identify the major Science Questions and define the key scientific research priorities that can drive new ESA-EC collaborative activities in the coming years.
In total 7 biodiversity sessions have been organised
The main objective of the biodiversity sessions is to critically examine and discuss how to advance the use of satellite observations to address knowledge and observation gaps in biodiversity and enhance biodiversity monitoring systems. This involves reviewing the major science questions and policy priorities where EO systems play a crucial role and jointly define the key research priorities that will drive our collective efforts in the coming years, and their contribution to the global agenda on biodiversity. This also implies reviewing the recent advances in the use of Earth Observation in biodiversity science and monitoring, and identify gaps in data, methodologies and technologies where further R&D efforts should be made.
A second objective of the workshop was to improve the collaboration between ESA and EC funded projects on biodiversity and propose new and more effective ways of cooperation, including knowledge sharing and calls for collaborative development.