Graphic consist of three pictures. Land from drone, satelite in orbit, classroom.

Building Bridges between Earth Observation and Environmental Sciences

David Moravec Receives MSCA Grant to Advance Forest Moisture Monitoring


Ing. David Moravec, Ph.D., has been awarded the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) grant, marking a significant milestone for the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (ČZU). This grant is pivotal in bolstering human resources in research and development (R&D) at ČZU, ensuring the university continues to achieve excellent results in R&D, attracts and retains top researchers, and enhances international collaboration.

The MSCA grant specifically supports the outgoing mobility of Dr. Moravec, facilitating the implementation of his highly acclaimed project, which initially faced funding constraints. As part of this initiative, Dr. Moravec will be conducting his research at the esteemed Technical University of Dresden in Germany. His project, titled „Woody Plant Water Content Assessment via Microwave Corner Reflection,“ addresses a pressing global issue: the health of forests amid increasing droughts and heatwaves due to climate change.

Forests, which cover 31% of the Earth’s surface, are crucial in regulating energy, water, and carbon balances. However, climate-induced droughts and heat stress threaten these ecosystems, leading to increased tree mortality. Dr. Moravec’s project aims to tackle this challenge by improving the monitoring of forest moisture status, a critical indicator of vegetation health.

Traditional remote sensing methods for monitoring vegetation moisture levels often fall short due to low spatial resolution and limited insight into deeper vegetation layers. Dr. Moravec’s innovative approach leverages microwave corner reflection technology to overcome these limitations, offering a more robust and comprehensive method for assessing forest moisture content.

This novel technique holds significant promise for enhancing our understanding of forest ecosystems and supporting global conservation efforts. By advancing remote sensing technology, Dr. Moravec’s research contributes to better forest management practices, helping to safeguard these vital natural resources against the impacts of climate change.

The MSCA grant not only supports Dr. Moravec’s groundbreaking research but also underscores ČZU’s commitment to fostering excellence in R&D and promoting international cooperation. This achievement highlights the university’s role in leading innovative research that addresses global environmental challenges.

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