The Kick-off meeting of the EarthBridge project took place from January 23 to 25, 2023 at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. During the first day, three dozen participants from three partner organizations (ČZU, Technische Universitat Dresden and Universita di Bologna) presented their organizations, representatives, research and projects and discussed common research and educational topics. On the second day, the participants continued with the issue of project management and the debate on the promotion of the project, and in the afternoon they met with the invited stakeholders. On the last day, a field trip took place in the grounds of the Amálie school farm with examples of a smart landscape.
The EarthBridge project, funded by the Horizon 2020 program as part of the Twinning programme, is led by the Department of Spatial Sciences. The aim of the Twinning programme is to help overcome differences between EU member states and regions in the development and use of research and innovation potential and to contribute to a more even spread of excellent research in the European research area. The project includes, among other things, scientific training and training for the preparation of research proposals, the organization of a summer school, the creation of a joint study program, or the exchange of employees at different stages of their career. The research part of the project focuses on the development and application of methods for assessing and monitoring biological diversity in agricultural landscapes.